Saturday, January 1, 2011

All is quiet...

Hayloft, Evening Light 9x12 pastel, copyright 2010

How appropriate that the last paining of 2010 is of fading light as the sun goes down.

Overall I felt like it was a pretty good year for me.  I became an aunt and the mother of a teenager, started a new job that I love, got to visit with friends and share the love of family.  In my life as an artist, I received a first place award for the first time, took a very helpful workshop,  and had the satisfaction of increasing my skill level over the last year.  I feel like I'm finally hitting my groove.

Hopefully this will continue throughout 2011.  I'd like to take another workshop, get into a few new juried shows, and even a gallery or two.  And while I am grateful for the wonderful supportive of friends and family, I like to expand my network beyond those who know me personally.  I feel like it's time to start making my mark in the art world.

Lofty goals indeed, but that's the optimism of New Year's Day for you.  I wish everyone out there the best of luck in 2011!


  1. Erica - After you and I talking about this yesterday, I am so glad to be able to see it today. It is a beautiful picture and the light source on it is stunning.

    There is nothing wrong with lofty goals. I know that all will go well for you!

  2. Thank you Tracey! I really like this one too, it's kind of personal since it's our barn, and I got there at just the right time to take a perfect reference photo. And I think I will add to my goals - get a professional to photograph my artwork.

  3. Good luck with all your goals for 2011 Erica. May the year bring you peace and happiness as well.

    This is a beautiful pastel, you have really captured the light well.

  4. Thank you Sue! And good luck to you as well. I love your sketches by the way, they are very expressive.
