Monday, February 14, 2011

A bit more snow

Smokehouse with Snow 6x6 oil, copyright 2011
A Track in the Snow 6x6 oil, copyright 2011
With snow melting on the ground, I have two more of these little snow paintings left.  Today I looked at the dates on the back and realized that I had painting nine of them in a one month period.  I had a lot of fun with them, and learned a lot as well.  

I think my trees are slowly getting better, though they still need work.  And I learned that color toned down slightly works better than bright color in most instances - these two for example, are a bit too saturated, though it works better on the second one.

I think what I need to do now is concentrate on a few "finished" pieces.  In other words, take some more time and get a bit more detail, using the things I've learned from these nine pieces.  There is a 6x6 competition in California that I am considering if I get some good pieces done in time.  Thanks Bonnie for the heads up on that one!   


  1. Love both of them - as usual Erica. It is so fun to see you progressing and I can see that your trees are more clearly focused.

  2. You are right, you can see improvement over the course of these paintings.
