Tuesday, February 14, 2012

virtual Sistine Chapel

This past week I've been working away on an oil painting which is coming along quite well, though slowly.  I should invest in a bit of Liquin, a drying medium for oil paints.  Most are fine and I can layer the next day, but for some reason the black is a little slow, and the alizarin crimson is taking forever.  Hopefully it will be done by the end of the week.

Meanwhile, I've found a wonderful site to explore, the virtual Sistine Chapel.  In the mid nineties I did a bit of traveling in Italy, and of course this was on the list.  It was in the beginning of my archaeology career and to be honest, I spent quite a bit more time in the Vatican Museum than in here.  The chapel was surprisingly small and quite crowded, making it difficult to appreciate the artistry of the place at the time; I was too anxious to see other things.  I'd love to go back now and explore it more thoroughly.  While this site certainly isn't better than the real thing, it will do nicely until the Someday when I can get back.

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